2063 Roleplay Wikia

Male Fae (Left) Female Fae (Right)

Fae's are the elementals of Earth. They worship the god Pan who takes care of nature and all its creatures. Theyare peaceful creatures and tend to be more spiritual than other elementals. Like all element based elementals they posses the ability to take on a Human form. However there are signs such as skin and hair colour that can give them away. They will also keep they're pointed ears when they change forms. They're are distinct differences between male and female Faes males are generally taller and have paler skin and hair where as the females appear more human like and have more colour variety in their hair and skins.

Faye's as the elementals of Earth they are masters of Earth Magic and can use it to their full advantage, they are light footed and quick, they are also expert trackers and can find secrets hidden within the Earth. They are nice and level headed and treat everyone as equals.


Tracking: Fae are expert trackers.

Gliding: Faes have the ability to glide short distances

Masters of Earth: The Fae are masters of the element of Earth and can control it to a very good degree.

Fae Skin: Fae's can camouflage for a short amount of time in most terrain.


Fire: Fire burns Fae as it does wood.
